Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker - Heilpraktikerin for Psychotherapy - Professional Certified Coach
Jennelle, give me a super short description of your background.
I was raised in a wealthy suburb of Boston in the USA. I developed an interest in psychology during college and graduated with a Psychology degree from Bates State College which led me to a Masters in Clinical Social Work from Smith School for Social Work. It was a powerful program that gave me a set of incredible tools to help clients by being totally non-judgmental and utterly present, in order to deliver the perfect therapy for individuals, couples and groups. As part of my Masters programm I worked for a year in a Hospice and a further year with veterans of the Vietnam and Iraq wars. After completing my Masters I worked at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston offering individual and group therapy.
How did you come to have your own practice in Munich?
I moved to Munich with my husband in 2014. I was committed to pursuing my career and after completing an intense German course, I started initially working as a volunteer helping refugees and then went on to work at the Sozial Psychiatrische Dienst in Perlach, following this I worked at the Amper-Klinikum Haar for a year. I am certified as a Heilpraktiker for Psychotherapy here in Germany and also a qualified Professional Coach. In 2018 I became mother to twin girls and opened my practice offering coaching, individual therapy, couples therapy and group therapy. It seemed like the ideal next step. I am especially well placed to help the women moving to the country that find themselves unable to continue with their previous career. It’s so tough, as they experience a loss of identity and often feel a lack of purpose in their new home country.
Can your therapies help new parents?
Yes! I recognise both professionally and personally the burden of stress that so many new parents experience. Many are living away from their own families, coping with the stress of moving and adjusting to a new culture and language. Half of my work is with new parents, predominantly mothers but new fathers too. I work with mums and dads to help create a balance with work and family life. I work with lots of couples and I use the Gottman Method which is a really powerful approach that delivers a strong framework on which couples can rebuild or build a healthy and positive partnership. I also help individuals and couples cope with the loss of a pregnancy or other forms of grief.
How have you been able to help your clients during the pandemic and what challenges are they facing?
I continue to accept socially distanced appointments at the Praxis but I also offer online appointments. I’m helping individuals struggling with anxiety, depression and low self-esteem often associated with being separated from their families or unemployment. It’s tough times and I encourage anyone struggling to reach out for support.
To find out more about how Jennelle might help visit www.