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It is a good idea have your bag packed by 36 weeks as you could go in to labour anytime in the weeks before your due date. Even you are having a planned caesarian section there is a chance you could go into labour before your scheduled date.

It is a good idea to have three separate bags , one for mum, one for Dad and one for the new baby

Download Checklist here

Mother’s Packing Checklist

1. Packing List
  • Mutterpass

  • Completed hospital forms

  • Health insurance card

  • Photo ID such as driving license or passport

  • Birthpan.

  • Kinderarzt and Hebamme information

2. Toileteries
  • Toothbrush and toothpase

  • Hair brush and hair ties if you have long hair

  • Shampoo, shower gel,

  • deodorant

  • Lip balm, hospitals are warm places and your lips often get very dry in labour

  • Glasses, contact lenses and solution

Because space can be limited, consider decanting your toiletries into smaller bottles.

A hanging toiletry bag can be helpful, since there's usually little counter space in the bathroom.

3. Clothes

The hospital usually provides you with a gown for labour, but many women like to provide their own. Something that is cotton and sleeveless, this makes it easier for taking blood pressure or bloods and also takes into consideration that the hospital is warm.

  • Dressing gown Slippers- slip ons are often easier or flip flops

  • Socks- your feet often get cold in labour

  • Nightshirt or pyjamas for after the birth

4. Comforts for labour
  • Massage oils Music- birthing playlist

  • Movies Magazine to read After Your Baby is Born

  • Nightdress or pyjamas that are easy to breast feed in

  • Breastfeeding bras

  • Diposable underwear or high waisted cotton underpants, this is important if you have a cesarian section so that your underwear does not sit on the incision line

  • Postpartum girdle is optional for cesarian section mothers

  • Going home outfit-this needs to be loose

Birth Partner Packing Checklist

  • A change of T shirt/ sweater

  • Toileteries-deodrant, toothbrush and toothpaste

  • A pillow and blanket

  • Waterspray/portqble fan to cool the mother-to be

  • Massage oil

  • Your phone, ipad, camera plus chargers

  • Something to read

  • Snacks and drinks for yourself/cash for vending machines.

For The Baby
  • Infant car seat

  • Going home outfit, this should include, cardigan/jacket, mittens and hat

  • Baby blanket

For The Sibling Big brother/sister

  • T- shirt Gift from the baby


Pippagina English Prenatal and Postnatal classes in Munich


Lynn Darbyshire 


Lerchenfeldstrasse 16



Pippagina English Prenatal and Postnatal classes in Munich

Please use the direct email below for any questions or queries you may have or use my direct email address shown below.  It is not practical for me to take calls but if you email, I will get back in touch with you as soon as possible!

Thank you for your enquiry, we will be in touch soon!

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